
Credit Rating Report on Bhola Pourashava - Bangladesh

  • September 16, 2021

  • Publications, guides and communication materials


Credit Rating Information and Services Limited (CRISL) has assigned 'BBB' (pronounced as plain triple B) rating to Bhola Pourashava (BP). The above has been done on the basis of its Revenue Account and Development Account ended up to FY2015-16 and other relevant quantitative and qualitative information up to the date of rating.

The above rating reflects Bhola Pourashava's good growth in revenue surplus during the last five-years along with noticeable development activities. While assigning the rating CRISL also took into consideration BP's loan repayment history which was found to be satisfactory. However, the above rating is constrained, to some extent, by moderate collection efficiency, moderate liquidity, noticeable amount of outstanding bill, moderate solid waste collection efficiency, non existence of reserve fund, moderate street light coverage, inadequate storm water drain, inadequate manpower at various departments, unplanned urbanization, unstructured and weak accounting record, non utilization of surface water etc.

The Long Term rating indicates that Municipal entities rated in this category offer moderate degree of safety for timely repayment of financial obligations. This level of rating indicates that a Municipal entity is under-performing in some areas. Risk factors are more variable in periods of economic stress than those rated in the higher categories. These Municipalities are however considered to have the capability to overcome the above-mentioned limitations.

CRISL also views the ULB with "Stable Outlook" for its steady revenue growth and consistent fundamentals and believes that the Municipal entity will be able to maintain its fundamentals with the same trend in foreseeable future.

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