
Inclusive Digital Economies: Uganda 2021 Annual Report

  • March 28, 2022

  • Publications, guides and communication materials


The Inclusive Digital Economies Uganda Annual Report 2021 highlights the focus and results of the programme in Uganda in 2021. The programme guided by the “Leaving no one behind in the digital era” strategy is part of the global vision of UNCDF to “empower millions of vulnerable people (smallholder farmers, youth, women, refugees, migrants, MSMEs) to lead productive and healthy lives by expanding access to and usage of digital services that contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Through this strategy, UNCDF continues to work with the government, private sector, and academia to catalyse innovations and scale digital solutions that address systemic constraints in the social and economic sectors. Using a market systems development approach, UNCDF works to incentivize digital finance and digital innovation enablers to enter markets they may otherwise overlook to ensure that everyone has access to and are able to use digital solutions to improve their livelihoods.

Since its launch in 2019, the programme has reached over 1.4 million people in Northern Uganda who have registered for new or improved digital solutions.

Download the report to learn more.

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