
Making Access Possible: Annual Report (2021)

  • April 06, 2022

  • Publications, guides and communication materials


The UNCDF Making Access Possible (MAP) programme is a multi-country initiative to support financial inclusion through a process of evidence-based country diagnostic and stakeholder dialogue, leading to the development of national financial inclusion roadmaps that identify key drivers of financial inclusion and recommended action. Through its design, MAP seeks to strengthen and focus the domestic development dialogue on financial inclusion. The global project seeks to engage with various other international platforms and entities impacting on financial inclusion, using the evidence gathered at the country level.

It’s no secret that the world is changing. Countries have faced another year of uncertainty marked by new COVID-19 variants, lockdowns and travel restrictions, political instability, and more. All of this has led to increased vulnerability for households, particularly those living in Least Developed Countries (LDCs).

Even in this challenging environment, the MAP programme thrived in evolving the financial inclusion agenda. The successes gained in the past year were only possible through collaborating in new ways, adapting to rapidly-shifting circumstances, and embedding a strong, evidence-based approach to financial inclusion. The 2021 Annual Report highlights these successes.

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