UNCDF, is a technical and financial partner for local transformation. Its clients encompass
local and regional governments, cities as agencies of local transformation, domestic capital
market participants and regulatory and budgetary authorities.
In this report , examples shows that despite the climate and environnmental crisis and the
rising urbanization challenge , transformation is possible when we create an ecosytem that
work for cities and local governments.
These examples are a few amongst our work in 42 countries accross Africa,Asia and Pacific.
They are showcasing how our work combines finance and investment instruments with sector
expertise across all aspects of subnational public and private finance.
These examples are illustrative on how UNCDF's work is focused on three transitions : (a) the
urban transition to implement the New Urban Agenda that transforms cities into inclusive,
sustainable and resilient places with everyone benefiting from growth, access to transport,
housing, water and sanitation, green space and the “right to the city”;(b) The green transition
to implement the Rio Conventions through sustainable city planning and zoning, urban food
systems land-use management, circular water management and clean and smart energy
solutions;(c) The productive transition to implement the priorities of the Doha programme of
action for the Least Developed Countries (2022-2031): increasing productive capacities
through a territorial approach to local economic development and the creation of value-added
urban/rural linkages leading to structural transformation.
These success stories are for knowledge generation and sharing. It is hoped that they will
inspire change at the grassroots level, by promoting and supporting transformative
investments. The success stories also document improvement over time and demonstrate
the value of UNCDF programmes. It can also be used as a useful tool for educating our
stakeholders about the outcomes of UNCDF work and achievements. UNCDF hopes that these
stories will be piloted to scale up innovative financing mechanisms and policies in the public
and private sectors.
Please consult the Report for more information