The Constitution of Kenya 2010, was envisioned to end discrimination and gender inequalities by promoting the inclusion of women and other marginalized groups including youth, the elderly, persons with disabilities. One of rhe principles of democracy is respect of gender equality and non-discrimination.
Women make half of the population of Kenya yet remain invisible in leadership and decision making.The objectives of devolution include promoting the democratic and accountable exercise of power; enhancing popular participation in the exercise of the powers of the state and in decision-making that affects citizens; protecting and promoting the interests and rights of
minorities and marginalized communities; promoting social and economic development; and providing easily accessible services throughout the Country.
To this end county governments have made efforts towards empowering women and girls and promoting gender equality in their development agenda.
Devolution has opened up opportunities for women and other previously marginalized groups to participate in county level planning,budgeting and ensuring and an opportunity for county governments to integrate gender-responsive mechanisms in development planningand budgeting.
Twelve years since the promulgation of the Constitution and eight years since the inception of devolution this report presents “the women and girls voices on the story of devolution”.
The report synthesizes and documents the impact of devolution on women and girls in select Sectors thus; Education, Health, Agriculture, Water and Sanitation, and Urban Planning across the 14 counties namely Busia, Garissa, Isiolo, Kajiado, Kilifi, Lamu, Mandera, Marsabit,Narok, Samburu, Tana River, Turkana, Wajir and West pokot. The report has documented the story of the gains of devolution with a view to scaling up in the 47 counties.
The report presents a balanced perspective from an independent analysis, resulting from and in-depth interviews with county representatives and conversations with women and girls on the progress in meeting set out expectations, unfulfilled ambitions and opportunities for the
The assessment was commissioned by the Council of Governors with the support of UN Women and UNCDF and was undertaken through technical backstopping provided by a multi-agency team comprising of officers from line ministries, independent commissions, research and academia.