Calls for Applications
RFA: Supporting Monitoring and Learning for the Migration and Remittances Programme
September 09, 2022
Calls for Applications
About the Migration and Remittances Programme:
UNCDF’s Migration and Remittances Programme, or the Programme, aims to support sustainable development by making remittances more accessible and affordable while building resilience for migrants and their families.
New thinking, approaches and knowledge are needed to reimagine remittances and make them work for men and women on the move. Through an inclusive approach to innovation that is gender-smart and migrant-centric, UNCDF is working with international and regional organizations, national governments, financial service providers, and migrants.
Funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), the Programme has concluded its second year of implementation. It has a results measurement and reporting system in place, encompassing the work done with private and public sector partners. As the Programme scales beyond the current remit of 30+ countries, UNCDF wishes to reinforce the results management capacity further.
Scope and Focus Areas: Through this Request for Applications (RFA), UNCDF is seeking to engage a minimum of one and a maximum of five lawfully registered entities to support the Results Measurement (RM) system of the Programme, specifically in the Monitoring, Reporting and Learning dimensions across five different areas of interventions as detailed below.
Results Measurement and Reporting
A.1 Automation of quantitative data collection to KPI database.
In a co-creation exercise with the UNCDF team, design and implement a solution that collects, monitors, and manages data from all partner institutions, calculates KPIs, and stores it in the KPI database.
A.2 Automation of narrative data collection and preparation of quarterly reports.
In a co-creation exercise with the UNCDF team, design and implement an automated system to gather all the narrative inputs from partner institutions and the Programme teams. In collaboration with the Programme team, develop a new quarterly report template with all narrative inputs available. Automate and be responsible for preparing the quarterly reports during the grant’s timeframe.
Learning and research
B.1 Analyze the existing data using the Learning Agenda and ToC lenses
Organization of a qualitative database and qualitative analysis of existing/secondary data such as partners, reports, quarterly programme reports, policy-focused documents produced by the Programme, and interviews with customers, partners and stakeholders.
B.2 Conduct research studies, to inform specific questions in the Learning Agenda
Conduct small-scale research studies using qualitative methods to gather primary qualitative data to inform the Programme’s results and Theory of Change.
B.3 Research community engagement
Launch and manage a call for papers and support the Programme team in the organization of research-focused events.
Budget: Applicants can apply to one or all the five identified components. In the submission form, they must indicate each intervention area and provide a budget for each component and service.
Time period: November 2022 – October 2023, with the possibility of annual renewal for up to three years.
Eligibility: Any type of organization (e.g., commercial, for-profit firm, research institution, non-profit organization, university) is eligible to apply as long as they comply with the eligibility criteria and evaluation criteria outlined in Sections 4 and 5 of the RFA main document.
Time period: January 2023 – December 2023, with the possibility of annual renewal for up to three years.
Application deadline: New timeline! All applications must be submitted no later than 10 October 2022, 23:59 EDT (New York time) through the UNCDF grant platform.
Enquiries: Enquiries about this RFA may be submitted by email to no later than 30 September 2022, 23:59 EDT (New York time). An FAQs document will be made available and updated weekly.