
Lao PDR Financial Inclusion Refresh (2021)

  • August 30, 2022

  • Publications, guides and communication materials


The 2015-MAP diagnostic report for Lao PDR considered the country context, demand and supply for financial services, and the regulation of these services. The report highlighted the need for interventions in accordance with those opportunities that best meet the national objectives for growth and improved livelihoods. Such interventions were then documented in the form of a roadmap, which provided the structure for defining, prioritising, coordinating, measuring and tracking the interventions.

The report identified practical recommendations for overcoming barriers to greater financial inclusion, including (i) Improving the availability and sustainability of credit; (ii) Consumer protection and empowerment; (iii) Strengthening village funds; (iv) Payment ecosystem development; and (v) Extending the outreach of banks and other financial service providers (financial outreach).

This study focuses on key market changes that have occurred since FIRM’s priorities and initiatives were formulated, from the perspective of achieving positive socio-economic impact and progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report is written on the assumption that the reader is familiar with both the 2015-MAP diagnostic and FIRM.

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