The objective of the Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) programme is to consolidate stability in Northern Uganda, eradicate poverty and undernutrition and strengthen the foundations for sustainable and inclusive socio‐economic development.
- Donors: European Union (EU)
- Implementing Partner: UNCDF
- Responsible Partners: Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), Ministry of Local Government, District Local Governments (DLGs), Local Government Finance Commission, Ministry of Work and Transport, Ministry of Lands Housing and Urban Development, Uganda Development Bank Limited, Private Sector Foundation of Uganda, Uganda Local Government Association and Urban Authorities Association of Uganda
- Programme Duration: December 2017-December 2022
- District Coverage: 40 districts
Specific Objectives:
1) Improve access to finance for SMEs engaged in agricultural value addition through a dedicated facility for business development services and blended finance.
2) Improve the stock and quality of the district road assets through a district road rehabilitation fund and dedicated technical assistance and improve local service delivery for road assets.
3) Increase local fiscal space and improve local service delivery through a discretionary grant
mechanism and technical assistance to core government functions, including customary land
tenure systems.
The key objective of the Mid-Term Evaluation of the DINU programme was to allow UNCDF and the EU to meet their accountability and learning objectives in informing their future interventions. The evaluation covers the period between early 2018–June 2022. It covers the UNCDF designated component of the broad DINU with a budget of EUR 26 million (plus indirect contributions from other projects and beneficiaries).
The targeted recipients of this evaluation include UNCDF, the EU, DINU partners, Uganda Government Institutions including the Office of the Prime Minister, civil society organisations, other UN organisations, private sector organisations, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), researchers, and academics.