UNCDF Energy promotes access to finance across the energy value chain from customer to enterprise by investing in early stage, innovative business ideas from SMEs that have the potential to make a step-change in improving the accessibility, affordability, and reliability of modern energy for people, especially those at the last-mile.
In addition to catalytic investment, UNCDF provides technical assistance and advisory on enabling environment policy and market insights to support the development of energy markets in LDCs.
Since 2014, UNCDF Energy has worked in 13 countries, supporting a portfolio of over 81 private sector companies (microfinance institutions, clean energy SMEs, financial intermediaries, and others) to provide over 2 million clean energy products and service through catalytic investment, technical assistance and awareness raising.
This contributes to SDG 7, whereby nearly 10 million beneficiaries having access to clean energy solutions, SDG 13, as the portfolio calculates 1. 8 million tonnes of CO2 emissions offset by energy products, and over 480,000 tons of firewood saved, therefore contributing to SDG 15 protecting Life on Land.