Results from the Financial Inclusion Module in the Mali Modular and Permanent Household Survey (EMOP)
The NFIS and action plan of Mali were adopted by the Council of Ministers in June 2022. These focus on strengthening access to financial products and services for as many people as possible, especially the most vulnerable groups - rural populations, women and youth, MSMEs and people with low financial education. To link the national financial inclusion agenda to broader financial sector development objectives, development partners in Mali that are active in financing and financial inclusion are working together to better understand the low-income market, the levels of financial inclusion and potential pathways for growth.
It is within this national context of financial inclusion, linked to broader financial sector development, that development partners active in the financing and financial inclusion space in Mali are working together to: better understand the low-income market, more accurately determine the levels of financial inclusion and illustrate potential pathways for growth. Working in collaboration with UNDP, the World Bank Group and the National Statistics office, by more closely embedding financial inclusion within the quarterly household survey in Mali, the data presented in this booklet allows for more updated data to track market. Hopefully, by including a financial inclusion module in the quarterly household survey, this provides an ongoing data perspective for financial inclusion in Mali.