
LoCAL final report on second period of global expansion 2019–2022

  • August 22, 2023

  • Publications, guides and communication materials


LoCAL final report on second period of global expansion 2019–2022: realizing demand with standard and scalable locally led action

At the end of 2022, the Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility mobilised in excess of US $155 million dollars in climate finance working through 350 local governments to realise community-led climate adaptation projects benefitting more than 16 million people, according to the annual report published today.

The LoCAL Facility, designed and managed by the UN Capital Development Fund channels grants to local government authorities for locally led adaptation to climate change in some of the world’s most climate-vulnerable nations. Launched globally in 2014, LoCAL has grown to a 34-country facility at end 2022 with prospects for continued growth through 2023.

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