
CookFund programme presentation at European Union cooperation meeting in Dar es Salaam

  • September 06, 2023

  • Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

The UNCDF Tanzania team was invited to showcase progress of the 17 million Euro EU funded CookFund programme at the EU delegation premises in Tanzania.

The presentation highlighted the initial achievements of the programme including ongoingsecond call for applications and the approximately 15,000 households that have been reached across the 5 regions of intervention and the “Anzia jikoni” media campaign.

During the progress presentation at European Union offices in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

The presentation was also accompanied by enterprises and companies who showcased their clean cooking solutions through live demonstrations of popular local dishes such as chips and chicken, maize and beans and several other Tanzanian favourites prepared using some of the technologies covered under the programme.

The event highlighted the valued partnership of the EU in mitigating climate change through accelerating the market rollout of clean cooking solutions by empowering Tanzanian companies and enterprises

Read more about UNCDF's CookFund Programme HERE.