
Malaga Coalition: Financing Culture, Inclusive and Gender Responsive Urban Services and Infrastructure

  • September 27, 2023

  • Publications, guides and communication materials


Ahead of the upcoming third conference of the Malaga Global Coalition for Municipal Finance from 5-6 October 2023 to be held in Malaga, Spain, the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) is producing a policy brief series. This policy brief is highlighting the importance of Financing Culture, Inclusive and Gender Responsive Urban Services and Infrastructure

Improved access to basic infrastructure services, creative and cultural activities, are vital for the sense of people’s wellbeing in urban settings, and for businesses to prosper. Yet, cities, local and regional governments often struggle to deliver these services due to relentless urbanization, poor urban planning, limited municipal resources and fewer revenue generating opportunities. As a result, city dwellers including women and youth, persons with disabilities, slum dwellers, minorities and marginalized groups experience inequality and vulnerability in various forms. Given that infrastructure systems are built to last for decades, their design and development must be driven by a human-centered approach that has links to local culture and brings gender-responsive outcomes.

Read about Financing Culture, Inclusive and Gender Responsive Urban Services and Infrastructure in this policy brief.

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