
UNCDF Gender Financing Case Studies

  • October 30, 2023

  • Publications, guides and communication materials


The UNCDF Gender financing case studies report showcases 32 examples of how strategic financing interventions can promote women's economic empowerment and gender equality.

A core strategy is providing direct financing to women-owned SMEs, social enterprises, and gender-responsive businesses across sectors like agriculture, manufacturing, and elderly care. UNCDF has developed tools like the Women’s Economic Empowerment Index to identify viable investments that maximize impact. UNCDF also establishes financing mechanisms, including guarantee funds and partnerships with local banks, to increase women entrepreneurs' access to capital. For instance, guarantee funds have been set up with central banks in Bangladesh and Cambodia.

Another approach is financing local infrastructure projects, designed intentionally to benefit women. Investments in market facilities aim to create women-friendly business environments with amenities like childcare. Women entrepreneurs receive ownership shares in these market special purpose vehicles. Finally, UNCDF partners with women-led local institutions that are well-positioned to support female entrepreneurs. Initiatives with Women Development Forums in Bangladesh demonstrate the potential of mobilizing these groups' knowledge, networks and proximity to communities.

Overall, UNCDF's case studies highlight innovative models to empower women economically through catalytic financing.

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