This is an Information Memorandum for a green bond issuance by the Tanga Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (Tanga UWASA) in Tanzania. The bond issuance amount is 53.12 billion Tanzanian Shillings (approximately USD 21 million) and aims to raise funds for improving water infrastructure in Tanga.
The funds will be used for projects such as doubling water production and treatment capacity, reducing water loss, expanding the water distribution network, installing smart meters, connecting new customers, and installing water kiosks. The document provides an overview of Tanga UWASA, the parties involved in the bond issuance, bond details such as currency, denomination, pricing, status, listing, and applicable laws. It also highlights the green credentials of the bond and its compliance with ICMA's Green Bond Principles.
Please download this information memorandum if you are interesting in the Tanga Water Green Bond.
The below is the subscription window/offer period: East Africa Time
Offer Open
08:00 a.m. on Thursday 22 February 2024
Offer Close
05:00 p.m. on Thursday 4 April 2024