
Unlocking private finance for SDG and climate action in last-mile markets

FFD4 Third Preparatory Committee Session - Side Event

Tuesday February 11 2025, 15:00 – 16:30 EST
UN Conference Room E

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Organizer: UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)
Co-organizers: Government of Burundi, Government of Switzerland, Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), UN-OHRLLS

The Pact of the Future expresses deep concern about the growing SDG and climate financing gap facing developing countries and calls for closing this gap to prevent a lasting sustainable development divide.

The SDGs are farthest off track in the least developed and other vulnerable countries, where deep-rooted challenges limit availability of public and private SDG financing.

While ODA and public finance will continue to play a fundamental role in these frontier markets, this will not be sufficient and there is an urgent need to significantly step-up efforts to catalyze more private sector investment towards sustainable development.

The FFD4 Elements Paper also recognizes the specific challenges of LDCs and the most vulnerable countries in attracting relevant SDG and climate financing, including concessional catalytic financing geared towards unlocking private SDG finance. In particular, the Elements Paper emphasizes that:

  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face significant barriers in accessing affordable finance, particularly in countries in special situations, and that SMEs’ access to affordable credit must be strengthened, including through the banking system, mobile network operators, development banks etc.

  • Blended finance efforts have not yet catalyzed private capital at scale with only a small fraction going to LDCs, and that larger pools of catalytic capital should be established and made accessible to leverage private finance, including enabling greater use of concessional guarantees.
  • Trade in LDCs and integrating LDCs in global value chains will require to significantly increase investment in private sector development and capacities for value addition, including in manufacturing, agroprocessing, digital, financial and service sectors, trade related infrastructure etc.
  • Vulnerable countries such as LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS, must receive sufficient climate finance to support mitigation, adaptation and resilience-building.

Scaling up private financing for SDG achievement in the LDCs, SIDS, and other vulnerable countries will require an increased focus on innovative and blended finance solutions in combination with policy reforms and capacity development to grow markets and address failures that hold back private investments.

Tuesday, February 11
Welcome and opening remarks
5:00 PM - 5:10 PM UTC-3
- Pradeep Kurukulasuriya, Executive Secretary, UNCDF (Virtual)
- Roland Mollerus, Acting Director, UN-OHRLLS
Unlocking private finance for SDG investments in frontier markets: Perspectives and examples
5:10 PM - 5:35 PM UTC-3
- Moderator: Caroline Flammer, Professor of Economics & Director, Sustainable Investing Research Initiative (SIRI), Columbia University
Brief introduction on challenges and opportunities for blended finance and private SDG finance mobilization in LDCs and frontier markets.
- Representative of the Government of Burundi
Opportunities for unlocking private sector financing in LDCs and LLDCs. What type of support is needed?
- Janine Felson, Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of Belize to the United Nations
Opportunities and challenges for SIDS to mobilize private sector finance for sustainable development.
- Markus Dürst, Senior Advisor, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Government of Switzerland
Switzerland’s priorities for unlocking private financing for last mile markets.
- Private sector representative (TBC)
- Mr. Dilip Ratha, Lead Economist and Economic Adviser to the Vice President of Operations, MIGA
Moderated roundtable discussion with speakers
5:35 PM - 6:05 PM UTC-3
- What are key success factors and challenges for replicating and scaling up promising initiatives such as these and other types of blended finance efforts to unlock more private finance in frontier markets?
- How can the FFD4 Conference and the Outcome Document best help accelerate the replication and scaling up of innovative and blended finance efforts to unlock private SDG finance in frontier markets?
Q&A and interactive discussion with audience
6:05 PM - 6:20 PM UTC-3
Conclusions – recommendations for FFD4
6:20 PM - 6:30 PM UTC-3
- Caroline Flammer, Professor of Economics & Director, Sustainable Investing Research Initiative (SIRI), Columbia University
- Pradeep Kurukulasuriya, UNCDF Executive Secretary (Virtual)
- Rabab Fatima, OHRLLS USG

Media inquiries:

Casper Sonesson