
UNCDF Endorses US$300,000 For Local Investments In Three Counties
  • January 10, 2012

The UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) through  the Liberia Decentralization and Local Development Programme (LDLD) has endorsed a request under the signature of Internal Affairs Minister Harrison S. Karnwea to fund local investment projects in Bong, Maryland and Nimba counties. The initiative which will be implemented under the Local Development Fund (LDF), is part of ongoing efforts to strengthening select districts in the counties to lead their respective development priorities ahead of the full actualization of the decentralization policy. 

Explaining to this paper over the weekend, the Monitoring & Evaluation Manager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Mr. John R. Dennis said the leaderships of the three counties have been informed by the Ministry to identify one district in each of the three counties where the project would be implemented.  According to Mr. Dennis following the identification process, a town hall meeting of project owners (beneficiaries) would be convened by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in collaboration with the LDLD Program to identify their respective priorities as well as conduct elections to have a leadership in place called the Project Management Team (PMT).

Assistance to the three counties brings to total UNCDF's contribution to US$900,000. UNCDF through the Liberia Decentralization and Local Development Programme has been providing similar support in six pilot counties: Bomi, Gbarpolu, Grand Bassa, Rivercess, RiverGee and Sinoe. Each of the six counties has received US 100,000 dollars to implement agricultural investment projects.

Source: The Inquirer

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