Transparency and Performance


Impact Capital for the Least Developed Countries

The UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) is entirely funded by voluntary contributions from UN Member States, multilateral organizations and other sources.

These contributions are provided as regular (core) resources, or other resources earmarked for specific purposes. UNCDF's strategic funding targets include $25 million in regular resources per year, $75 million in other resources per year, and a one-time capitalisation of its LDC Investment Fund at $50 million.

With its unique mandate and focus on the LDCs

Contributions to regular and other resources provide a foundation for UNCDF’s ability to innovate, ensure maximum presence in the LDCs and provide robust support to the UN system at country level.

Full financing of the resources envelope allows UNCDF to:


Innovative Solutions

To meet demand for innovative financing solutions.


Country Expansion

To expand presence to all 46 LDCs in this Decade of Action.


In-Country Presence

To ensure more robust (senior) representation on UN Country Teams for strategic financing expertise.


Grow Expertise

To deepen our cutting edge expertise on emerging finance models that can work for the LDCs.

Why Invest in UNCDF?

Investing in UNCDF means meeting the demand for innovative financing solutions, expanding presence to all 45 LDCs in this Decade of Action, ensuring stronger (senior) representation on UN Country Teams for strategic financing expertise, and expanding UNCDF's cutting-edge expertise on emerging finance models that can work for the LDCs.

Investing in UNCDF What UNCDF Offers

Our Numbers

$10.2 M

in CORE contributions

$122.78 M

in NON-CORE contributions

$107.5 M

in Total Expenses

$133.53 M

in TOTAL contributions


in Bilateral contributions ($72,335,412)


in European Union contributions ($24,243,707)


in UN Funds
contributions ($30,137,821)


in Private Sector contributions ($6,817,455)


The UN Capital Development Fund is committed to being transparent about how contributions are used and how they benefit communities around the world.

Our partners can feel confident that their contributions are used responsibly and effectively because we have developed rigorous standards for accountability and transparency. Our website provides information about our programmes and how we use these funds.

Impact Capital for Development

to invest in infrastructure and human development to build institutions, establish market systems, support entrepreneurship, harness the potential of youth and achieve basic standards of living for all.

UN flagship catalytic financing entity for the LDCs

UNCDF expands its role as the United Nations flagship catalytic financing entity for the LDCs to include strengthening financing mechanisms and systems for structural transformation.

Deliver more support for the LDCs through the UN

UNCDF combines its Sustainable Development Goal financing capabilities, instruments and sector expertise with the wider development and operational capacities of the United Nations development system to deliver more comprehensive and impactful support for the LDCs.

Build partnerships with private and public actors

UNCDF continues to build partnerships with private and public actors to achieve greater results and development impact and unlock additional resources.

Committed to improving transparency and responsibility

To learn how the organization is using its resources please visit our

Transparency Portal

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