UNCDF aims to bring its expertise in inclusive finance to young people in Niger within the framework of the Project “Création d’emplois et d’opportunités économiques à travers une gestion durable de l’environnement dans les zones de transit et de départ au Niger” funded by the Emergency Trust Fund (ETF) for Africa of the European Union and implemented by Enabel , SNV and AICS .
Access to financial and non-financial services (in particular, primary financial education) is essential to enable young beneficiaries to capitalize on savings and develop their activities. As such, UNCDF is responsible for the operationalization of the mechanism for facilitating access to adapted financial and non-financial services for the beneficiaries. In particular, the specific objectives of UNCDF in terms of access to financial services translate into:
- Development and scaling up of an innovative range of financial and non-financial services adapted to the needs of beneficiaries
- Supporting financial service providers in the supply of financial products suitable for SMEs / cooperatives
Expanding the supply of financial services and strengthening demand through financial education is subject to providing technical support to financial providers. This support will lead to the design and deployment of financial services tailored for beneficiaries based on their experience, their economic roles and the sectors that are buoyant in the local economy. This initial technical support constitutes the working base of UNCDF.
The technical assistance offered to them by UNCDF throughout the duration of the action emphasizes, among other things:
- A "human-centred" product design (HCD approach) ) also taking into account gender and productive sectors;
- Improving their digital financial services strategy;
- Integration of financial and non-financial services (financial education).