Voice of vulnerable people in the investment choices
To strengthen the role of grassroots communities in the local development process, the F4F support programmes favour the creation and/or consolidation of public spaces for dialogue, arbitration and advocacy at different levels as well as the creation and/or valuation of village/inter-village committees for development, and also for the managing-tasks committees.
From their elected legitimacy, local representatives form an important role in voicing vulnerable persons’ concerns, which is strengthened by direct support granted to the different networks of local actors benefiting from other types of legitimacy in their environment: women's groups, producer groups, livestock-owner groups, craftsmen's groups, village committees for development, etc.
This is why F4F projects actively participate in the promotion of an open and inclusive approach of vulnerable and marginalized persons so that the interests of all actors and all social groups are taken into account in local planning. Finally, the nature and function of the investments made are indicators of the voices of the vulnerable people because they reveal whether the needs of the population are taken into account.