Overall Objectives
UNCDF is seeking applications from qualified organizations/firms (e.g. educational/research institutions, non-profit organizations, commercial for profit firms) to work with the UNCDF SHIFT SAARC team in Bangladesh in the implementation of policy and advocacy activities for the programme stakeholders to strengthen synergies and collaboration while reducing the fragmentation of efforts between the various actors active in this area.
Specific objectives of this assignment are:
- Review all the relevant documentation provided by UNCDF related to the SHIFT SAARC in Bangladesh programme, including conducted research reports, regulatory self-assessment and stakeholders mapping;
- Draft background papers/ think pieces on selected topics for arranging high-level regulatory and policy consultation workshops;
- Organize and convene regular and focused high-level regulatory and policy consultations workshops on key issues around DFS (issues will be selected jointly by UNCDF and the firm through consultation, applicants are encouraged to propose a list of relevant themes/ issues/ topics in the technical proposal);
- Produce and present policy briefs, studies, white papers, technical notes etc. based on the DFS-related consultation workshops events and meetings.
Submission of the Application
Applications submissions and any consultation about this RFA should be submitted in PDF form via email at shift.asia@uncdf.org. All queries and submitted applications will be acknowledged. FAQs will be updated periodically and posted (shared with all parties) via the UNCDF website where the RFA was initially advertised. FAQs should be sent no later than 19th June at 23:59 Bangladesh Standard Time.
The subject line of the email should be “SHIFT SAARC in Bangladesh Policy and Advocacy RFA”.The deadline to submit the application is 14 July 2017 at 23:59 Bangladesh Standard Time. It is anticipated that negotiations and grant signing will commence within several weeks of application submission.
Duration of the Assignment: The overall duration should be not more than 18 months. Expected date of full completion is 31 December 2018.
Grant dollar limits: UNCDF has a budget (maximum available) of US$ 145,000.The application should follow the template provided in Annex 1. Only applications that follow the Application Format and include all the necessary documentation will be accepted.