Call for Expression of Interest: Financial Institutions for the Jobs and Growth Facility in Sierra Leone


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The objective of this Call for Expression of Interest (the “Call”) launched by the United Nations Capital Development Fund (“UNCDF”), is to identify and map potential financial institutions in Sierra Leone that could be eligible to apply for a second step of the selection process (a Request For Applications to be published later this year) to become an investee under the Jobs and Growth Facility (the “Facility”).

The Jobs and Growth Facility (“the Facility”) funded by the European Union (“EU”) is designed to address market supporting activities; promote risk mitigation measures and innovative financing instruments that benefit the real economy without distorting the market.

The Facility will provide increased access to finance through capital relief and loss protection via the provision of a loan to Participating Financial Institutions (“PFI”) to fund the expansion of their loan portfolio through new initiatives.

In a case by case, the facility will provide a risk sharing mechanism that will be agreed upon with each PFI. Moreover, the debt finance component will come together with a technical assistance facility component.

The Facility aims to provide a series of coherent actions to promote increased access to finance for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) along the agriculture value chain.

The present Expression of Interest concerns the pre-selection of eligible Partner Financial Institutions that will have access to the Facility Funds to expand their portfolio and enhance their value proposition, delivery channels and risk management strategy.

Applicants may send questions regarding this Expression of Interest by email to: cc

Applicants interested in applying to this Expression of Interest shall submit an application using the Annex I submission form and other requested annexes to UNCDF before the deadline of 23:59 GMT of the 10 of April 2021; to

  • Publish Date:
    10 March 2021