
RSVP : HLPF Side Event : Territorial Approaches For Inclusive And Resilient Food Systems

  • 07 July 2021

  • New-York, United States

Amadou Sy
Communication and RBM Analyst, UNCDF

Katiella Mai Moussa
Regional Technical Advisor UNCDF


The COVID-19 pandemic has not only exacerbated disparities in food security and nutrition particularly in developing countries, but also disrupted fragile food systems and undermined economic opportunities. Local experiences and responses to the pandemic have underscored the importance of integrated and inclusive planning and accelerated interventions across the rural-urban continuum to strengthen resilience of food systems. Increased understanding of territorial approaches as a means to promote inclusive and resilient food systems is urgently needed.

Territorial approaches to governance of food systems encompass multi-sectoral, multi-actor approaches, representing valuable operational and spatially anchored ways to understand and address the complexity of structural economic, social and environmental transformations.

This side-event will highlight the role of subnational governments, regional organizations and national governments that have enabled territorial approaches, as well as experiences of sub-national SDG implementation in the context of local food systems.

Speakers will highlight the convergence of communities of practice from territorial food systems, strengthening of urban-rural connections through inclusive financing and improved supply chain linkages, local government planning and investments that contribute to food and nutritional security, efforts to increase food systems resilience and generate economic opportunities for women and youth.

In line with the Decade of Action, Local2030 Initiative and UN Food Systems Summit, the event aims to elevate and exchange innovative solutions that regions, countries and cities are applying towards strengthening food systems, while promoting territorial governance in for fostering local inclusive and resilient food systems. The event focuses on SDG2, with relevance to SDGs1, 5, 8, 11, 17.

For more information, please see the event page. English to French and Spanish simultaneous interpretation will be available during the event.

Event Details

  • Title: "Territorial Approaches For Inclusive And Resilient Food Systems".
  • Location: Webinar Registration - Zoom
  • Date: Tuesday, 13 July 2021, 1.00-2.30pm
  • Format: English, Spanish, French
  • Convened by : This event is sponsored by the Government of Uganda and the Government of Spain, organized by the UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), UN-Habitat and FAO, and supported by OECD, UNEP and the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG).