IELD builds on over two decades of UNCDF experience in fiscal decentralization, local public financial management, and local investments and procurement; UNDP’s experience with capacity development and monitoring and evaluation; and UN Women’s experience as a leader in promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in the UN system; its lessons learned are captured in a series of detailed and wide-ranging UN publications, including the following:
‘Delivering the Goods: Building local government capacity to achieve the Millennium Development Goals’— this practitioners’ guide delivers on UNCDF’s experience in capacity development in the least developed countries.
‘Performance-Based Grant Systems: Concept and International Experience’ — presents the minimum conditions and performance measures for effective fiscal transfers between central and local governments, as designed and supported by UNCDF in least developed countries.
‘Procurement for Local Development’— covers practical experience in building systems for sustainable, transparent and effective procurement for infrastructure projects and services at the local level in least developed countries.
‘Gender and Economic Policy Management Initiative’ – this booklet presents overview of the interconnected components of the GEPMI-Africa.
‘Policy Brief: Unpaid Care Work’ – this policy brief provides insight into to the importance of addressing issues of gender equality and unpaid care work in national development policies and strategies.
‘Redistributing unpaid care and sustaining quality care services: A prerequisite for gender equality’ - this brief synthesizes research findings, analysis and policy recommendations on redistributing unpaid care and sustaining quality care services.