Project to support the reduction of rural migration and to support the reintegration through rural development in the Peanut Basin (PARERBA)
UNCDF aims to bring its expertise in inclusive finance for young people in Senegal within the framework of the Projet d'Appui à la Réduction de l'Emigration rurale et à la Réintégration dans le Bassin Arachidier par le développement d´une économie rurale sur base des périmètres irrigués (PARERBA) funded by the European Union Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF), within the framework of the cooperation agreement between Enabel and UNCDF.
The objective of PARERBA is to help curb rural emigration in the Groundnut Basin by increasing economic opportunities for rural households, by supporting the creation of sustainable jobs in the Basin sectors, with a focus on young people.
Four deliverables are expected from the project:
- Outcome 1: Productive water is made available to farmers on a sustainable basis for better use of land resources throughout the year
- Outcome 2: Producers organize themselves to sustainably increase their production and find markets for their products (trade and rice)
- Outcome 3: Trained young women and men create or develop microenterprises in agricultural sectors
- Outcome 4: Lessons learned are capitalized, communicated and made theirs by recipients
In particular, the specific objectives of UNCDF in terms of access to financial services translate into the development and scaling up of innovative financial services tailored to the needs of operators, informal rural enterprises, EIGs or community-based micro-cooperatives active in the various segments of the agri-food sector. This objective includes financial services for associations and digitalization, for example, to collect membership fees, saving products to capitalize contributions and securing treasury.