UNCDF attended the 2nd Ford Foundation-OECD Forum on Inclusive Growth. This year's event, titled 'Changing the Conversation on Growth – Going Inclusive" focused on the analysis of the growth-inequality nexus and the discussion of policy instruments to simultaneously drive growth and inclusiveness, across developed and developing countries. In his welcome remarks, Darren Walker, President of the Ford Foundation, insisted on the need for a paradigm policy shift in development policy recognizing that "the commitment to inclusion is no longer an option but an imperative". OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurria highlighted the multi-dimesional nature of inequality and the 'key role that local governments can play to make growth more inclusive". Various participants insisted on the importance to promote financial inclusion as a key driver of inclusive growth.
The event took place at the headquarters of the Ford Foundation and brought together approximately one hundred senior policymakers and representatives from international organizations, Foundations as well as the academic and private sectors. UNCDF was represented at the event by Nicola Crosta, Head of Policy. More information can be found at www.oecd.org/inclusive-growth.