UNCDF is launching a consultation process on a partnership with well-established and like-minded impact 501 (c)(3) organizations to collaborate on joint innovative approaches and instruments for mobilizing private financing for sustainable development, primarily in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs). UNCDF intends to use this initial consultation process to have an open exchange on the nature of the partnership, business model, legal requirements, types of approaches and processes. Such a partnership would complement the technical assistance and financing activities conducted by UNCDF to unlock finance for LDC transformation.
Timeframe and process of participation:
Depending on the number of interested parties interested in the proposed partnership, the consultation process shall normally be for no less than two weeks. The suggested participation process is as follows:
- All interested parties by November 15, 2019, shall submit a short profile of their organization by e-mail, at consultation501c3@uncdf.org, declaring their interest to participate in this process.
- Additionally, it is preferred that a brief note with the interested organization’s initial views on the proposed partnership is also submitted.
- UNCDF will contact the interested parties to arrange a bilateral exchange with the UNCDF senior management. All consultations will be held by teleconference or videoconference.
- If deemed necessary and time permits, additional meetings with interested parties may be held.
Throughout the process, UNCDF will cooperate fully to provide any relevant information and/or available material that will help interested parties to better assess this opportunity and confirm their interest.
All information provided by interested parties to UNCDF will be treated as confidential.
For any further information or inquiries regarding the consultation process, and preliminary technical inquiries regarding the investment vehicle proposal, interested parties may contact Mr. Xavier Michon, Deputy Executive Secretary (e-mail: xavier.michon @uncdf.org) and Mr. Heewoong Kim, Results Management Specialist (e-mail: heewoong.kim@uncdf.org).