Calls for Applications

RfA: Burundi: The Kibira Peace Sanctuary Foundation

  • February 08, 2022

  • Calls for Applications


United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) invites interested Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to submit a proposal to lead the establishment and other related activities of The Kibira Peace Sanctuary Foundation, a fundamental component for achieving peace, environmental, and social objectives in Burundi.

The project primary objective is to create an enabling environment for sustainable peace in the Kibira National Park by deploying a combined and sequenced Protection, Investment and REDD+ strategy aimed at building trust within and between local communities and with national authorities, reducing drivers of deforestation, providing alternative livelihood models that bring co-benefits to the communities, fostering longer-term conservation and peace and at minimum financing and enabling national authorities to enhance forest and community security.

The project will ensure national ownership by supporting negotiation of an innovative co-management agreement between the Government of Burundi and the selected NGO (a national organization with an international profile) dedicated to the participatory management of the Kibira National Park. This co-management agreement will form the basis of the peace, conservation and economic activity of the Foundation while the Government, through the National Park Authority (OPBE), assumes its sovereign functions. Working closely with relevant government institutions, the Kibira Foundation will ensure that the project results contribute to their policy and strategic objectives, while at the same time enhancing capacities of relevant authorities at all levels in order to sustain the project results and subsequently replicate them in other Burundian parks and reserves.

In view of executing this project, UNCDF will partner with UN Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund (PBF), the organization’s financial instrument of first resort to sustain peace in countries, situations at risk or affected by violent conflict. Through its mandate, the PBF may invest with UN entities, governments, regional organizations, multilateral banks, national multi-donor trust funds or civil society organizations.

Selected applicant will sign a Grant Financing Agreement (PBA) with UNCDF where grant payment is only disbursed subject to agreed and completed key results/milestones (including reports and statements) by the selected NGO. A sample of PBA is accessible in this RFA website.

Inquiries to this request for applications may be submitted by email to

Please submit your proposal trough this e-investment platform. Submissions using other templates or sent by other electronic or non electronic means will not be eligible.

For more information please download the following documents:


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